Wednesday, June 4, 2008

reading skills test

A. Choose the best answer for the following questions.

Once upon a time there were four little rabbits. Their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Petter. One morning they were allowed to play outside. Their mother reminded them not to go to Mr. McGregor’s garden because their father had an accident there.

Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail were good little rabbits. They went down the lane to pick blackberries. But Petter was naughty. He ran straight away to Mr. McGregor’s garden. He ate some lettuces, French beans, and radishes. Suddenly, he met Mr. McGreagor. Petter was very frightened and rushed away as fast as he could. He lost a pair of shoes and a jacket while he was running. Petter never stopped running or looked behind him till he got home. During the evening, he was sick because he was so tired. He had to drink some medicine while three of his brother had bread, milk and blackberries for supper.

1. The text tells the story of ….

a. The rabbits

b. The naughty rabbit

c. Mopsy

d. Mr. McGreagor

e. Flopsy

2. Who was the naughty rabbit?

a. Flopsy d. Petter

b. Mopsy e. McGregor

c. Cotton-tail

3. We know from the second paragraph that


a. had some bread, milk, and blackberries.

b. was sick because he was frightened.

c. didn’t obey his mother’s advice

d. went down the lane.

e. likes to drink medicine better than milk.

4. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To retell events for the purpose of informing about rabbit

b. To persuade the reader that we should obey our parent’s advice

c. To entertain and deal with actual or problematic events which in turn finds are solution

d. To persuade the reader that the naughty rabbit is the case.

e. To retell an event with a humorous twist.

5. Petter was very frightened and and rushed away as fast as he could.

What does the italic word mean?

a. moved d. hid

c. jumped e. ran very fast

d. cried

To make fried rice, you will need some rice, vegetables, meat and eggs. The best vegetables to use are onions, garlic, tomatoes, and cucumber.

First, cut up the meat into very small pieces and fry it in a pan. Then cut up the onions and garlic and fry them. Now you can break in two or three eggs. At the same time, cook the rice in another pan, when the rice is cooked, add it to the meat, vegetables, and eggs in the pan. Stir the mixture and add salt, pepper, and other spices. Put the fried rice on the plate and serve it with sauce, if you like. Finally cut up a cucumber into thin slices and place the slices on top of the rice. Fried rice is ready to be eaten.

6. The text describe how ….

a. to make fried chicken

b. to slice onion

c. to make fried rice

d. to eat fried rice

e. to serve fried rice

7. When shall we stir the mixture of all ingredients?

a. after the rice added to other materials.

b. before we cook the eggs

c. before the rice added to all materials

d. at the same time we cook the rice.

e. at the end of the step.

8. Add it to the meat … (paragraph 2). The word ‘it’ refers to….

a. meat d. onion

b. rice e. cucumber

c. salt

9. The type of the text is….

a. Analytical exposition d. spoof

b. Descriptive e. procedure

c. hortatory exposition

10. Finally cut up cucumber into thin slices,

The antonym of the italic word is….

a. fat d. thick

b. small e. slim

c. round

Young generation mostly like music concerts; rock concert even dangdut concert. But we must concern with them because music concert especially dangdut concert usually present wild impacts on young generation.

Many controversies have sprung around this kind of music. Those who cannot tolerate dangdut music consider it a negative influence on young people.

There are those who don’t approve of the way dangduters dress and behave. They often considered their acts as such kinds of pornography and porno action which really contradicts with religious ideology.

There are also occasions where teenagers commit suicide after going to such a concert or listening to the music. Such cases strengthened the conviction of many people that dangdut music is truly a bad influence.

From those cases we must concern with our young generation and appeal the entertainment promoters not to hold dangdut concert because it usually present wild impacts on young generation.

11. The text mainly tells about ….

a. Young generation

b. Music concert

c. Pornography

d. The impact of music concert

e. The negative influence of dangdut concert.

12. Which one of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

a. Dangdut concert gives positive impact.

b. People allow the Music promoters to hold dangdut concert.

c. Dangut concert presents negative impact on young generation.

d. We don’t have to concern with young generation.

e. Dangdut music is my country.

13. …we must concern with young generation…(paragraph 4).

The italic word means….

a. pay attention

b. patient

c. kind

d. hold a concert

e. punish

14. …it usually present wild…(paragraph 4). The word ‘it’ refers to….

a. young generation

b. dangduters

c. Dangdut concert

d. people

e. entertainment promoter.

15. What is the social function of the text bove?

a. To share with others an unusual incident

b. To represent and describe a particular place

c. To entertain, to amuse the reader

d. To persuade the reader/ listener that dangdut concert has to be avoided by


e. To retell the story of someone’s experience.

While John Gilbert was in hospital, he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so.

The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. When he was alone, He telephones the hospital exchange and asked for doctor Millington. When the doctor answer the phone, Mr. Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, A Mr. John Gilbert. He asked if Mr. Gilbert’s operation had been successful and the doctor told him that it had been. He then asked when Mr. Gilbert would be allowed to go home and then the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. Then, Dr. Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient. “No,” the patient answered, “I am Mr. John Gilbert!”

16. What is the best title of the text above?

a. Hospital d. John Gilbert

b. The operation e. Wrong number

c. I am the patient

17. Which is NOT TRUE based on the text?

a. John Gilbert was a patient

b. John called the doctor

c. Dr. Millington told him the result of the operation.

d. The doctor knew that the caller was John Gilbert.

e. The operation had been successful.

18. What is the type of the text?

a. Spoof d. Narrative

b. Descriptive e. procedure

c. Recount

19. …but the doctor refused to do so… (Paragraph 1). The underlined word means….

a. rejected d. accepted

b. avoided e. liked

c. Agree

20. What are the organizations of the text above?

a. Identification-description

b. Abstract-orientation-crisis-reaction-coda

c. Orientation-complication-resolution

d. Thesis-argument-reiteration

e. Orientation-events-twist

My uncle has four beautiful great villas. One of them I ever visited is located in Bandung, West Java. It is the most wonderful villa I’ve ever seen. In the villa I could see amazing scenery.

In front of the villa there is a fountain. It is surrounded by some beautiful flowers. Not far from the fountain is a large swimming pool. The pool is divided into two parts; one for adults and one for children. There are some large umbrellas and some chairs under the umbrellas.

21. What is the best title for the passage?

a. A beauty of a house’s scenery.

b. My uncle’s beautiful Villa

c. A large swimming pool

d. My Beautiful Villa

e. A colorful park

22. How many villa does uncle owned in


a. one d. four

b. two e. none

c. three

23. Where does the swimming pool placed?

a. near the hill

b. behind the villa

c. between the fountain and umbrella

d. in front of the villa

e. inside the villa

24. The word “them” in the sentence “One of

them I’ve ever ….” (p. 1) refers to…

a. The Swimming pool d. The villa

b. The umbrellas e. The flowers

c. My uncle’s villas

25. Gina : Did you see the news last night on TV?

Nuri : Yes I did. It was said that the suicide bombing in Iraq killed 58 people.

Gina : Yeah, …..

a. isn’t this great?

b. I’m so sad to see that.

c. don’t annoy me please.

d. I’m really anxious.

e. I’m glad it’s done

26. Look at the boy’s eyes! There’s no ….

a. frighten

b. frightening

c. fear

d. frightened

e. afraid

27. “Your son will be operated tomorrow, so he …. have a good rest tonight”, the doctor said.

a. might

b. may

c. can

d. would rather

e. must

28. Lenny : Did Ronny go to the party last night?

Lily : Yes, …. he had a lot of assignment, he insisted on going.

a. however

b. since

c. moreover

d. but

e. although

29. If he worked harder, he would get a better salary.

We learn from this sentence that ….

a. a better salary makes him work harder

b. he works hard and gets better salary

c. working hard makes him get better salary

d. he gets a better salary for his hard working

e. he does not work hard to get a better salary

30. Dodi : What are you looking for, Jon? Have you lost ….

Joni : Yes, I’m looking for my pen.

a. something

b. anything

c. everything

d. nothing

e. neither

31. “Will he be punished?”

“Yes, …. he apologizes.”

a. if

b. unless

c. because

d. when

e. furthermore

32. The teacher must give the students an opportunity to finish ….. work.

a. his

b. your

c. her

d. their

e. our

33. Mother : Next week end we are going to Bali for holiday.

Nana : …. I can visit many beautiful places there.

a. It’s terrible

b. I’m so sad

c. It’s a pleasure island

d. I can’t take this anymore

e. You’ve such pain in the neck

34. Wiwin : Nunik, your skirt is dirty. Did something happen to you?

Nunik : I’m embarrassed. On the way here, I didn’t see there was a banana peel. Then I slipped and fell. Moreover, some boys laughed at me.

The underlined utterance expresses …

a. pain

b. relief

c. sadness

d. embarrassment

e. pleasure

(36) …. to English language radio, especially KGRE is a great way to improve your English language skill. But (37) …. English language film and television are also great way to (38) …. your English. Just as Ari Wibowo, who says that watching early morning news programs such as ‘Metro This Morning’ cannot only (39) …. your English but it allows you to find out what is (40) …. in Indonesia and the rest of the world. Jason and Christina, along with other members of the news team at Metro, present an excellent program each morning. Listen and learn at the same time.

35. a. listen

  1. listening
  2. to listen
  3. listened
  4. listens

36. a. to watch

  1. watch
  2. watched
  3. watches
  4. watching

37. a. practice

  1. practicing
  2. practiced
  3. practices
  4. is practicing

38. a. to improve

  1. improve
  2. improving
  3. improves
  4. improved

39. a. happen

  1. happened
  2. happening
  3. happens
  4. to happen

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